Silva Method 3 Fingers Technique

In this video I trying to explain how everything works and how can this help to improve your life If you wish you can contact me for a private session here. 3-Scenes Technique: Which method to use: Q: Dear Ed: Thank you so much for responding. I have ordered the Silva Method, Ultramind ESP & Remote Viewing and influencing. I have been practicing on my own. I use the Medical laboratory, but I feel I am not realing seeing in to the body and sometimes I drift off into other thoughts, although I do return.

The Silva Centering Exercise There are many benefits of learning to do your thinking at alpha, the center of the brain frequency spectrum - the center of the brain:. At your center, you can use specific formula-type techniques for stronger self-programming, to correct problems and program yourself for success. This technique is currently being performed by trainees under direct consultant supervision with 13 successful cases so far. Results: The 3-finger technique has been successfully used to demonstrate and teach PCNL access to urology trainees. In all 13 cases, percutaneous renal access was achieved successfully by trainees without immediate. Three Fingers Technique $12.95 You can use this technique for resourceful states of mind. You can program yourself to have greater understanding, for example, you need to go into your level before utilizing it for the purpose you want to use it for in order to get the benefits you want.

Discover The Silva Method

Take a quantum leap toward leading a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life!

The Silva Method equips you with the tools you need to evaluate your productivity…increase your creativity…supercharge your problem-solving capability…and greatly exceed your goals.

Award-winning Silva trainer Robert B. Stone teaches you how to enter the Alpha State – an inner conscious level of brain wave frequency. At the Alpha state, you’ll activate deep states of accelerated mental activity, intuition, learning, memory, ESP, tranquility, rest, and relaxation.


The Secret Gearbox of Your Mind

Silva Method 3 Fingers Technique For Beginners

The inventor of The Silva Method, Dr. Jose Silva, was a successful businessman. He had various patents and had managed to build a thriving electronics business. He was all set for a nice, comfortable life.

Then, in trying to help his children with their schoolwork, he experimented with various techniques. He discovered a remarkable fact: Geniuses use special levels of their mind, levels which we ALL can tap!

You see, our mind is like a gearbox with many gears. Much like the gearbox of a car, each gear has a specific purpose.

Which gear we are in is decided by the electrical activity in our brain. Most of the time, most of us are engaged in Beta gear.

But your brain has another gear. A higher gear — called Alpha. Alpha has a slightly slower pulsation rate than Beta. In other words, if Beta is like driving a car in third gear, Alpha squeals the tires in sixth gear!

What comes with this higher gear has the power to change who you are today!

In Alpha, creative and intuitive capabilities that are inaccessible in Beta mode open up. The brain switches to a more open, harmonious frequency. As this unique gear kicks into place, stress melts away, inspiration appears from nowhere, and solutions to problems are found.

In fact, Jose discovered that the really great people, the ones who were consistently “lucky,” were frequently engaged in Alpha!

Today, using the simple techniques revealed in The Silva Method Mastery Course, we can all learn to use Alpha. Frequently and easily.

In fact, after listening to just the first three sessions, you’ll already have learned how to enter the Alpha state. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to do.

The Silva Method™ A True Self-Empowerment ProgramIf you have ever heard about José Silva, Silva Mind Control or the Silva Basic Lecture Series, you can be certain that it is The Silva Method™. As the only Silva program with millions of graduates around the world, it is, by far, José Silva’s greatest achievement and most respected contribution to humanity. Dr. Stone does a great job at sharing the essence of our Silva Method program.

Max Rubio

If you are serious about self improvement, then this book is an excellent start. It does hold all the keys you need to succeed. Just remember you are the vehicle and the driver. You will need to physically and mentally do the exercises and they will definitely work, so expect results.The book is written in plain, no fuss lanuage, as an instruction manual for learning some of the techniques from The Silva Method. Therefore it is very thorough and detailed, with clear explanations along the way. Sure you can learn to drive a car from a book, an instructor would make it easier and faster. So too with The Silva Method. This book makes an excellent prelude to actually doing the course and in fact I would recommend it. It will be the first in many books by the same author you will hunger to read in the future or in your hand will be the best manual for self improvement...use it.

Nadia Marmach
The Silva Method
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Silva Method 3 Fingers Techniques

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Robert B. Stone

Silva Method 3 Fingers Technique

Robert B. Stone, Ph.D. has published 16 books on health and over 60 how-to and inspirational books with more than three million copies in print worldwide. He is also the author of numerous magazine articles. As the Silva organization’s Ambassador-at-Large, he
introduced the Silva Method in Japan, New Zealand and Thailand and has travelled the world presenting seminars and workshops. A member of MENSA, he has been elected to the New York Academy of Science, and is one of the leading theosophical scientists in the world. Bob Stone has taught at the University of Hawaii on the Silva Method, self-hypnosis and right-brain activation. He is the author of the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audio program The Silva Method.

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Silva Method 3 Fingers Technique Step By Step

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Silva Method

The Silva Centering ExerciseThere are many benefits of learning to do your thinking at alpha, the center of the brain frequency spectrum - the center of the brain:At your center, you can use specific formula-type techniques for stronger self-programming, to correct problems and program yourself for success.You will be luckier and more successful because you are more times right than wrong.You can use more of your mind to help yourself, your loved ones, and any human being who needs help, physically and mentally.How to Enter the powerful Alpha LevelWe recommend that you practice the Silva Centering Exercise at least once a week.The standard way to enter your level is the 3 to 1 method:Level 3 to Relax physicallyLevel 2 to Relax mentallyLevel 1 to Enter the alpha levelHow to come out of level whenever you desireThe standard way to come out of your level is by counting from 1 to 5.•To come out of any level of the mind, count to yourself mentally from 1 to 5 and tell yourself that at the count of 5 you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in perfect health, feeling better than before.•Then proceed to count slowly from 1 to 2, then to 3.•At the count of 3 mentally remind yourself that at the count of 5 you will open your eyes, be wide awake, feeling fine and in prefect health, feeling better than before.•Proceed to count slowly to 4, then to 5. •At the count of 5 and with your eyes open, mentally tell yourself, “I am wide awake, feeling fine, and in perfect health, feeling better than before. And this is so.”Physical and Mental RelaxationTo deepen your level, you can practice relaxing your body from head to toes the way you learn at Level 3.You can also practice visualizing tranquil and passive scenes, as you learned to do at Level 2.A day at the beach may be a tranquil and passive scene for you.A day out fishing may be a tranquil and passive scene for you.A tranquil and passive scene for you may be a walk through the woods on a beautiful summer day, when the breeze is just right, where there are tall shade trees, beautiful flowers, a very blue sky, an occasional white cloud, birds singing in the distance, even squirrels playing on the tree limbs. Hear birds singing in the distance. Remember that you can project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation for a minute and get the same benefit as if you had been there for an hour physically.Countdown Deepening ExercisesWhenever you wish to enter deeper, healthier levels of mind, practice with the count-down deepening exercises:To deepen, count downward •From 25 to 1, or •From 50 to 1, or •From 100 to 1. When you reach the count of 1, you will have reached a deeper, healthier level of mind, deeper than before.You will always have full control and complete dominion over your faculties and senses at all levels of the mind including the outer conscious level.Jose Silva used to suggest that we visualize (recall) a green neon sign. Today, LED’s are more common. Use whatever works best for you.The best times to practice•The best time to practice the count-down deepening exercises is in the morning when you wake up. Remain in bed at least five minutes practicing the count-down deepening exercises.•The second best time to practice is at night, when you are ready to retire.•The third best time to practice is at noon after lunch.How long to practice•5 minutes of practice is good; •10 minutes is very good; •15 minutes is excellent.How often to practice•To practice once a day is good; •2 times a day is very good; and •3 times a day is excellent.•If you have a health problem, practice for 15 minutes 3 times a day.Ideal Place of RelaxationTo help you enter a deeper, healthier level of mind, I am going to count from 1 to 3. At that moment, you will project yourself mentally to your ideal place of relaxation. I will then stop talking to you, and when you next hear my voice, one hour of time will have elapsed at this level of mind. It will not be an hour of physical time of course, but an hour of time in the mental dimension.How to use the Silva home study coursesThe first part of each session is an explanation of a specific technique or techniques. The explanation and examples are followed by a mind training exercise (conditioning cycle), so that you can “program” the new information at alpha.Listen to the recordings in order the first time through. Do not skip ahead. You can repeat any recording whenever you desire.Tips and suggestions from Juan SilvaJose Silva’s brother Juan went from skeptic to believer when Josehealed Juan of a mysterious illness that had baffled doctors and threatened Juan’s life. Juan made a pledge that if the technique worked, then he would join Josein his research, and would donate his time to help at least one person a week with what he learned. He far surpassed that promise. Juan was one of the most effective teachers and healers, and he shared his advice on how to get the greatest benefit from the Silva Centering Exercise in a great article on Deepening. Click the link to read the Tips from Juan Silva.Remember: The conditioning cycles require you to close your eyes, so do not use them when you are driving, or when you are involved in any other activity where you must use your eyesight.