Forum Rules
- No flaming or derogatory remarks, directly or through insinuation.
- No discussion, sharing or referencing illegal software such as hacks, keygen, cracks and pirated software.
- No offensive contents, including but not limited to, racism, gore or pornography.
- No excessive spam/meme, i.e. copious one liners in a short period of time, typing with all caps or posting meme responses (text/image).
- No trolling, including but not limited to, flame incitation, user provocation or false information distribution.
- No link spamming or signature advertisements for content not specific to Dota 2.
- No Dota 2 key requests, sell, trade etc.
- You may not create multiple accounts for any purpose, including ban evasion, unless expressly permitted by a moderator.
- DOTA 6.83d map Edited for DOTA-HQ V6 - Patch Update 1.0 - This is Beta version 2 (some thing not correct Ex. Skill position, Item's Icon, some effect skill, some Doodads).
- DotA Theme Manager allows you using different terrainsets in DotA without using a different map. This works by replacing the textures/models in your MPQs - WC3's Data files - itself. It will not only change DotA's Terrain (where it has no glitches), but also other maps. In other maps, it will look quite bad, so this is more useful for DotA.
- How to Install DotA. First, place the CD in your CD drive. Open My Computer (if you're using Windows), click on the icon of the CD, and install it. Click 'Install Warcraft III' when the Warcraft III Setup opens. Follow the instructions given afterwards.
- Please search before posting. One thread per issue. Do not create another thread if there is an existing one already.
- Before posting anything, make sure you check out all sticky threads (e.g., this). Do not create new threads about closed ones.
- It is extremely important that you post in correct forum section.
Backup your Dota 2 files using Steam on PC 1; copy the files to the other computer (PC 2); and finally, restore the Dota 2 backup using Steam on PC 2. I believe that's that quickest and safest way. Herein you will find a step by step guide for how to install Dota 2. 1.Download Steam: Steam is just like Android’s ‘Play Store’. It is the place where you will find Dota 2.
- Balance discussion only in Misc.
- All art related (such as hero model) feedbacks go to Art Feedback Forum.
- All matchmaking feedback should go here: Matchmaking Feedback
- All report/low priority issues should go here: Commend/Report/Ban Feedback
- No specific workshop item feedback. These should go to workshop page of that item.
- When posting in non-bugs section (such as this), use [Bugs], [Discussion] or [Suggestion] prefix in your thread name.
- Before posting any bug, test it in latest DotA map or Latest DotA Test Map and make sure it is actually a bug.
You can also find references in PlayDota Guides and PlayDota Mechanics. - Follow Bug Reporting Guide when reporting bugs.
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In case you object some action by a moderator, please contact him directly through PM and explain your concerns politely. If you are still unable to resolve the issue, contact an administrator. Do not drag these issues in public.
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All rules are meant to augment common sense, please use them when not conflicted with aforementioned policies.See less